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Lesson II
She set an egg timer in the kitchen. It was hard to practice even the fifteen minutes every day. There were distractions: tennis,...

Lesson I
They saved the three- and four-year-olds till the last lesson of the day. By then, our crew had withered. We hung on the carts full of...

The Four goes all the way to Union Square. So does the FIve. And both run express in Brooklyn, so they should be faster to Atlantic...

What we don't Need is Another of Those, II
Of all the things that can happen to love, I'll say this: it can definitely be displaced. Offloaded into these freaking adorable,...

What We Don't Need is Another of Those
He came home and sat on the damn chair waiting to be praised. And I'm not about that, at all. No. Nope. No I'm not, sir. I'm very much...

Armor at the Dragon
A lot of people think that I wear this stuff all the time. Not true. Just not true. I only wear it on Tuesday nights when I go out with...

It snowed on March 14. I sat inside and worked most of the day, staring at the wet flakes mixing with sleet. A March snow is almost...

The Book
I have been working for many years on a book about terrorism and its effects on national populations, specifically with respect to the...

My father died two weeks ago. He didn't suffer till the last few hours, when we were out there in Cambria together. I left the hospital...

On the Catskill
Tom keeps insisting on painting this stuff. Every day, up there on a grassy hill. Even on the cloudy days, he's painting glimmering...
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